The American Soldier

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America and Americans are simply Beautiful!

I've been blessed to travel throughout the arteries of America touring my play The American Soldier. I 've performed to small rural American towns and too big American cities. I've performed in the liberal parts of America, and conservative parts of America. And the one thing I've learned for sure is that America and Americans are merely beautiful.

When I'm driving through our hills, seeing our sunsets and sunrises or eating at a diner, I remind myself how fortunate I am to be an American. 

I've met the nicest people you'd ever want to meet along the way. And the one thing I always come away with is that American's are hard-working, family-loving people. People who are willing to share their table with you, share their experiences, their stories with you and strangers who would give you the shirt off their back. 

America is an exceptional country, and we are exceptional people! People come from all over the world to see the beauty in our country. Our mountains, deserts, prairie's, oceans, swamps, forest, and most important of all, to taste our freedom.

God bless America and every veteran and their families who have made it such a beautiful country!

Follow me on INSTAGRAM- @DOUGLASTAUREL, YOUTUBE and Facebook Page to learn more about my play and upcoming shows.