The American Soldier

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Producing a Solo Show

The hardest part about producing a show, especially a solo show, is the producing takes over so much of your time.  You end up spending so much time getting images ready, making sure all the dimension are right that you kind of lose the time to rehearse the show. And that kind of freaks me out because every time I am lost in the producing part, my brain goes "hey dick head!, your'e doing a show all by yourself! learn your lines!!!"I try to keep myself calm but it's hard, especially as deadlines for theaters and programs coming at you.  I take reassurance that this is all part of the process and at the end of the day, it all get's done.  It always does right? I have enough experience in producing and in acting that I know I will find the time, either very early in the morning or late at night to get my head right and stay calm.   

Something else that gives me inspiration is knowing that this idea I had about 7 years ago has finally become a reality. It finally has a director, a set, a team and that it will be performed in front of people at the Flying Solo Festival on May 25th and Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August is nice to remind myself. Focusing on the positive of this project is calming, like anything else in life I guess. 

O.K. I think now I need to quit writing this blog and go organize my files on my desktop as that always helps me stay calm and clear. Keeping my emails and files organize definitely helps! 

I will try to keep this blog up once two twice a month, just FYI. 

Below is a picture from two years ago when I was creating it. 

Rehearsal pic of Douglas Taurel in American Solo Show