The American Soldier

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Let's Remember the words of Brent Taylor

Image by the New York Times

I’ve been performing my play The American Soldier for close to four and half years through out the country. My play is based on actual letters from veterans and their families form the Revolution through Afghanistan. ’ve performed in both blue and red states, and everyone is always moved by the stories of incredible sacrifice and commitment all our veterans and their families have made for us.

But mostly, they all share how much they wish our splintered society could come together on common ground again, as Americans and fellow humans. After every performance, veterans and audience members come up to me and express how they feel the stories I tell in my piece of theater, is an invitation for all of us to see what we have in common and what we share together in our imperfect history. They look at the soldiers uniform as the glue that can keeps us together and has held us together for so many years in our young Republic. 

The love of our country and all it stands for, is what is reminded to both “conservatives” and liberals” when they see my play, sometimes in the same theater together. So in the words of Utah Mayor Brent Taylor, who gave the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan, lets us all remember his words.